In many cases the goal is to automate the administrative operations ( all the paperwork associated with ordering, delivering, invoicing, and paying) and therefore reduce the cost. 许多情况下,目标是实现管理操作(与订货、交货、计价和付款有关的所有文书工作)的自动化以降低成本。
For the single period case, by using the properties of stochastic ordering, the stochastic comparison results on the optimal inventory level and optimal expected cost are obtained. 对于单周期情形利用随机序的性质我们给出了最优库存水平和最优费用的随机比较结果。
The ordering strategy will influence inventory cost directly and determine the profit. 订货策略的制定直接影响到库存费用,进而决定了利润的大小。
Four investment policies of retailer are analyzed and simulations are done aiming at each coordination model under each investment policy. The results show that adopting coordination between ordering cost reducing and marketing can both improve the retailer's and supplier's profits. 分析了零售商四种投资策略,针对每种投资策略下的协调模型进行了数值仿真,结果表明在零售商订货成本缩减和营销之间进行投资协调能够同时增加零售商和供应商利润。
Most of the EOQ models cover ordering cost, holding cost and shortage cost, with an invariable demand and price is steady. 大多数EOQ模型所考虑的费用包括订货费用、库存维持费用和缺货费用,且库存的需求量是恒定的,单价与订货数量无关。
The results show that aggregating effect increases with a larger proportion of additional ordering cost to ordering cost, and the joint ordering policy approaches to the optimal one; 算例结果表明:当附加订购成本占订购成本的比例较大时,集聚效应明显,最优的订购策略趋于联合订购;
We analyze the value from three aspects: ordering strategy, average inventory and expected cost ( including inventory holding and shortage cost). 二是平均库存;三是期望费用(包括库存持有费用和缺货损失费用)。
Purchase of teaching materials manages information of the publishing companies and its departmental outlets, give orderings according to the courses selected by the students and the requests of the teachers and make statistics on the ordering of the teaching materials and its cost. 教材购进管理出版社及其代售点信息,根据学生选课及教师要求下订单,并对教材购买情况、费用进行统计。
The total cost includes the ordering cost, storage cost and back-order loss in the storage management which under the condition of limited warehouse capacity. 在仓库容量有限条件下存贮管理中,总损失费用主要包括订货费、存贮费和缺货损失费。
The total cost model of the system is given by considering transportation cost, holding costs and ordering cost. 在综合考虑门店和配送中心的运输成本、门店和配送中心各自的库存持有成本以及订货成本的基础上,建立系统年总成本模型。
Economic Lot-Sizing Problem for Deteriorating Items Under the Situation of Variable Ordering Cost 粉碎费用可变定货费用情形下变质性物品经济批量问题
Therefore in theory, the delayed ordering strategy can reduce not only the stock level but also the inventory cost. 从理论上,在多级分销网络中,采用延迟订购策略可以降低库存水平和降低库存成本。
The model synthetically considers ordering cost, inventory holding cost, transportation cost and cost of building distributing center. And finally it gives the solving process of the model based on genetic algorithm ( GA). 综合考虑了订货成本、库存持有成本、运输成本和建立分销点和分销中心的成本,并给出了基于遗传算法的模型求解步骤。
Equipments random inventory management strategy and relevant factors include ordering cost, storage cost, average cost per unit time, probability of no shortage of spare parts, and decision models. 器材随机库存管理控制策略及其有关因素包括:订货费用、存贮费用、单位时间内备件的平均费用、不缺备件概率及决策模型。
The number of ordering reduces and cycle inventory in supply chain increases as the ordering cost increases. 当订购成本增大时,订购次数减少,供应链中的循环库存增加;
The problem on supply chain ordering and marketing channel coordination is studied with the consideration of a retailer who has the ordering cost reducing and marketing investment, and the Stackelberg game models for ordering and marketing channel coordination in supply chain are developed. 研究了供应链订货与营销渠道的协调问题,考虑了零售商具有订货成本缩减和营销投资成本,建立了供应链订货与营销渠道协调的Stackelberg主从对策模型。
A delayed ordering strategy essentially aims at lowering the stock level by delaying the ordering time while the total inventory cost kepts unchanged. 延迟订购策略本质上是从时间维度出发,在维持总成本不变的条件下,推迟订购时间,降低库存水平。
To solve this problem, this paper analyzes firm's transfer pricing strategy on the basis of consideration of the inventory managing cost, namely, inventory holding cost, ordering cost, order processing cost and set-up cost, which occurs in the intermediate product transfer processes. 针对这种不足,在充分考虑中间产品流转过程中产生的库存持有成本、订货成本、订单处理成本和启动成本的基础上,研究了企业集团的转移定价决策问题。
Finally, numerical examples are given to illustrate the theoretical results and made the sensitivity analysis of parameters such as minimum order quantity, permissible delay, ordering cost and rate of inflation on the optimal solutions. 通过算例对理论结果作了说明,并分别就最小订购量、延期期限、订购费用和通货膨胀率对最优解作了灵敏度分析。
Through classifying the materials and spare parts reasonable, different stock controlling means and ordering management methods should be applied, achieving the lowest sum in order& storage cost all the year round as to raise the economic benefit and enterprise competitiveness. 通过对企业材料、备件的合理分类,采取不同的库存控制手段及订货批量的管理方式,使全年的订货费用和储存费用之和最小,以提高企业的经济效益和产品竞争力。
By the model computation, we obtain the best ordering strategy and production strategy at a business cycle when the risk is smallest, then get the actual ordering cost and production cost. 通过模型计算,得出企业在风险最小前提下的最优采购策略和生产策略,并且得出实际需要花费的采购成本和生产成本。
The trade-off between advanced ordering time and price discount can lead to cost reductions for both members of the supply chain. 提前订货时间和价格折扣之间的平衡能够为供应渠道中的各方成员带来成本的减少。
As a subsystem of the catering industry, the wireless dish ordering system is designed to reduce the labor force cost and improve the quality and efficiency of the service. 无线点菜系统作为餐饮服务管理系统的一个子系统,旨在降低餐饮服务的人力成本并提高服务质量和效率。
The Joint Replenishment Problem refers to jointly ordering various items from the same supplier to replenish inventory with the privileges of reducing the annual ordering times, obtaining discounts, saving expenses of inventory control as well as lowering the cost of items. 联合补充问题就是对来自同一个供应商或同一供应地的多种物品,进行联合补充订购,目的是减少年总订购次数,获得数量折扣,节约库存控制费用,降低物品成本的一种库存问题。
The explosion of data increase requires higher and higher storage capacity. Many operators of the distributed storage system invest much money in ordering storage equipment and give rise to the cost of keeping the system running and maintaining the system. 爆炸式的数据增长对存储服务和存储空间的要求越来越高,许多分布式存储系统运营商投入大量资金购买存储设备,使得系统运行和维护的成本大大增加。
Suppliers select right payment strategy to stimulate retailers increasing ordering quantity based on the differences of retailers 'ordering quantity, ordering cycle and ordering cost. 供应商基于零售商订货数量、订货周期以及订货费用的不同来选择合适的支付策略来刺激零售商增加订货量。
Such ordering policy increases the transportation cost as well as the total cost of the supply chain. Then, we study how to apply buyback contact to coordinate the above supply chain, and build an optimization model for the problem. 然后,研究了如何应用回购合约对上述供应链系统进行协调的问题,建立了问题的优化模型,并对两组模型均给出了数值算例与分析。